A mere glance on the images associated with the monkeypox virus is enough to make a person’s skin crawl. But, what if the images were of someone you know or cared about? Furthermore, what if they depicted you? Yes, even the very thought is painfully scary.
The scare surrounding monkeypox is not only international but regional since it has landed in the Caribbean.  Recently cases were detected in Jamaica, Bahamas, Martinique, Bermuda, the Dominican Republic and Belize. Based on the medical experts’ prediction, it is only a matter of time before it lands on our doorstep as well.
A monkeypox diagnosis is confirmed by testing a sample of the skin lesion for the virus’s genetic material or DNA. Currently, there is a vaccine to prevent the virus. There is no known cure, however, there are antiviral drugs which may relieve the symptoms.
The monkeypox and smallpox viruses are a portion of a group known as orthopox viruses that are not affiliated with chickenpox. The chickenpox virus originates from another viral group. Notwithstanding the name given to this virus, monkeypox does not come from monkeys. Contrarily, there is a widely circulated belief that its origin is from rodents.
As of 2022, cases of the monkeypox infections are being observed in over 70 countries inclusive of The United States of America and European countries. Whereas in time past, in was confined to western and central Africa, the virus is now traveling to unexpected places throughout the world causing great distress.
A previous outbreak of monkeypox took place in the United States in 2003 as a result of the importation of infected rodents from Africa. The virus then spread to the pet prairie dogs which in turn transferred the virus to humans in the Midwest.
This sudden outbreak of monkeypox appears much worse and entails more countries. The extent to which the virus is now spreading has prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare the 2022 outbreak, a public health emergency of international concern.
Ongoing medical investigations are being conducted to determine how people are being exposed as well as the expansion of the virus.  Monkeypox is spread from person to person through direct contact with an infectious rash, scabs or body fluids.
Other ways include: respiratory secretions during an extended face-to-face contact or intimate moments of kissing, cuddling or sexual intercourse. Additionally, the virus can be spread during contact with exposed clothing or lesions.
Symptoms of moneypox can be compared to that of smallpox with the monkeypox rash starting as flat, red spots. These spots then turn into blisters filled with pus (pustules), and after a few days, they crust over.
Initially, the rash started on the face and extended to other parts of the body inclusive of the hands, palms and the soles of the feet.  However, in the 2022 outbreak, the pattern has changed, the rash now starts close to the genitals or in the mouth. Although they may not spread or advance throughout the usual stages, they are certainly painful.         
Additional symptoms include fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, back pains, fatigue, and prominent swollen lymph nodes. Such symptoms may happen before, during or after the rash appears.
Individuals with monkeypox are more likely to get other infections specifically, bacterial infections in the skin and lungs. Symptoms may begin within a two- to three- week period after infection. It is during such times that the virus is transmitted to other persons.
Just like the COVID19 the monkeypox virus too can be spread by close contact with an infected person. Therefore it is imperative that safe distance be maintained, avoid casual touching, hugging and kissing as much as possible. 
The time for hugging, touching and kissing a close friend you have not seen for a long time appears to be over. We are indeed living in dangerous times. As the saying goes if you cannot be good be careful for the very thing you are afraid of, might just come knocking.