World No Tobacco Day will be observed on Monday 31st May 2021. “Commit to Quit” is the theme for this year. Each year, Antigua and Barbuda joins the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the rest of the region to celebrate the day. The day was established by member states of the WHO and passed by the World Health Assembly in 1987, by resolution WHA 40. 38. Initially called “World No Smoking Day”; the name was later altered in 1988 by resolution WHA42.19 which resulted in the emergence of “World No Tobacco Day.”As a result of that resolution, a specific date was set aside for the annual event. The primary purpose of this yearly observance is to inform the public on the dangers involved in using tobacco, the business practices of tobacco companies and to highlight what the WHO is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic. The day also serves as a platform to enlighten populations around the world regarding what they can do to claim their right to healthy living, to protect future generations as well as the preventable deaths and diseases tobacco use causes. Global statistics revealed that tobacco kills half of its users which amounts to more than 8 million people annually. Almost 7 million of the deaths are as a result of direct smoking while approximately 1.2 million are attributed to the exposure to secondhand smoke. Those who cannot afford to purchase tobacco are the ones buying the most. 

Statistics indicate that 80% of the 1.3 billion tobacco users live in low- and middle-income countries as tobacco use continues to be a leading cause of death, illness, and impoverishment. The consistent overuse of tobacco has created one of the greatest health crises. Cigarette smoking is the most common form of tobacco use worldwide; other forms include waterpipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco products, cigars, cigarillos, and roll-your-own tobacco. Tobacco use is extremely addictive and damaging to one’s health and it contains multiple cancer-causing toxins. The continuous use of tobacco increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, tongue, head, throat, lip, and gums along with the oesophagus. In the Port-of-Spain declaration of 2007, heads of government within CARICOM affirmed their commitments to commence immediately with a legislative agenda for the passage of the legal provision associated with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHOFCTC). Antigua & Barbuda signed on to the WHOFCTC in 2004 and ratified it in 2006, hence, is legally bound to abide by such a provision. Since the passage of the Tobacco Act in 2018, there has been significant improvement and a heightened awareness of tobacco use geared towards curtailing smoking among youths as well as prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors. A survey conducted among 13- through 15-year-old students in Antigua and Barbuda regarding tobacco use.  

Chief Nutritionist of the Ministry of Health, Samantha Moitt, also acts as the focal person for tobacco and chairperson of the No Tobacco committee. She remarked, “all forms of smoking are harmful, including hookah, e-cigarettes, high leaf or tobacco leaf, and cigars. Smoking affects your appearance, it makes everything around you stink, causes yellowing of the teeth, makes you look old, and reduces fertility. Men who smoke are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction and a decrease in sperm count.” For those addicted to tobacco, kicking the habit is never easy as nicotine can hold a person prisoner indefinitely. For those contemplating taking a pull or a puff, do not be caught in the trap, you can say no to tobacco and you can find the courage to quit too. Winston Churchill said “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have” stay healthy. However there are many success stories of those who have succeeded in breaking free and live to tell about it. One such is the story of a man I will call Steve who became an addict at the age of 17 years. As a young boy he left the countryside and travelled several miles into the city of St. John’s, in search of work and friendship. After finding employment he became friends with a young man of similar age who offered him beer, when Steve said he did not drink the young man replied, If you want to hang out with me, you cannot be a little boy, you have to become a big man. Soon thereafter he was given marijuana and thus started his addiction which lasted for over 25years. The marijuana was always mixed with high leaf or tobacco leaf, His addiction lasted for around 25years until he got married and his wife became pregnant with his first child; It was then he started crying out for help. His cry for help led him to the church but that did not immediately take away his addiction. After joining the church, he became a youth leader and president of the men’s fellowship, that freedom came only when he was he still using but he was also selling. Only when and went searching