In recent years, our nation has seen a surge in cancer cases with the most common being breast
cancer. Once a person is diagnosed with breast cancer, organisations such as Breast Friends do
offer assistance by way of information and moral support but they cannot do it alone.
There is plenty of room for improvement, as too little is done by way of educating the populace
and too little is said regarding the effects cancer has on families and the working class. We are
losing too many persons during their most productive years; as younger and younger persons
are being diagnosed with some type of cancer.
The month of January is set aside for the observance of cervical cancer yet, there was no
educational awareness campaign. In an age where so many unwholesome things can be seen
and heard on social media, there should have been a blast of information on the social media
platforms, even though the month passed without fanfare.
We may never be able to stop the spread of cancer or save all lives; but through continuous
education and information sharing, more people may be persuaded to adopt better health
practices that can significantly reduce their risk of some cancers.
Cervical cancer is a nightmare for many women and is relatively common, but with early
detection and treatment, it is curable. Women of all ages need to be thoroughly educated
regarding the type of preventative measures as well as the risk factors associated with cervical
Cervical cancer or cancer of the cervix – is a type of cancer that occurs in the lower part of the
uterus that connects to the vagina. This occurs when healthy cells in the cervix develop changes
(mutations) in their DNA. A cell’s DNA contains the instructions that tell it what to do.
In the natural history of healthy cells, they multiply eventually dying at a fixed time.
In HPVinfected cells, mutations cause cells to grow and multiply out of control and also prevent cells
from dying. The accumulating abnormal cells then form a mass (tumour) and the cancer cells
invade nearby tissues, then break off spreading to other areas of the body; this process is called
There are several types of cervical cancers; the stage of cancer determines your prognosis and
treatment. The main types of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinoma, (most cervical
cancers are squamous) and adenocarcinoma.
From July 2018- June 2019, the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment embarked on
major public educational campaigns regarding the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine. The
HPV vaccines are currently available throughout the island at all clinics free of charge.
During that era, approximately 4,000 vaccines were administered to persons between the ages
of 9-26. Of those, only two persons had allergic reactions and both were successfully treated.
Most cervical cancers are caused by the Human Papillomaviruses (HPV). HPV is linked to vulvar,
vaginal, anal, penile cancers as well as cancers of the head and neck. HPV is also responsible for
causing anogenital warts. There are several types of HPV, though only a few are associated with
In a recent interaction with Consultant in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at
Mount Saint John Medical Centre Dr Cherie Tulloch, the importance of HPV vaccine and pap smear screening was highlighted.
HPV 16 and 18 are classified as the high-risk types responsible for most HPV-related cancers.
The vaccine helps to prevent these diseases by helping the body to recognise the HPV virus and
defend itself against infection.
Persistent HPV infection causes precancerous changes. Pap smears can detect abnormal cells as
well as precancerous changes in the cervix before they become cancerous. Since its
introduction 15 years ago, many studies have been done demonstrating the effectiveness of
HPV vaccines.
Some of the larger studies revealed the high efficacy of vaccination against precancerous
changes in cervical cancer and other (HPV) related cancers. Countries with high vaccination
coverage are already experiencing a significant reduction in HPV-related disease.
The main target groups for the vaccine are boys and girls between the ages of 9-13. The vaccine
can be given up to the age of 26. After the age of 26, some vaccines can be given up to the age
of 45 after discussion with a physician.
Dr. Tulloch further stressed the necessity of Pap-smears and their availability at the community
A Pap smear is recommended to all women from the age of 21 years whether sexually active or
not. While some women may use the lack of funds as an excuse for not taking a Pap smear,
nurses at the public health clinics are trained to do the procedure.
Most importantly all Pap-smears done at public health facilities are free of cost- in other words,
you do not have to pay a cent. Women of the nation who cannot afford to pay are being
admonished to take advantage of this free service.