Nutrition Unit

The Nutrition Department was established in 2002 under the first Chief Nutrition Officer, Ms. Juanita James. Previously the department was under the control of the Principal Nursing Officer and the Medical Officer of Health. In the early years there was a complement of two Community Nutrition Officers who reported to the Superintendent of Public Health Nurses.
Currently the department has three community nutrition officers who reports to the Chief Nutrition Officer Ms. Samantha Moitt.


To develop and implement a science based, comprehensive and integrated strategy that reduces nutrition related disease and death in Antigua and Barbuda


To improve the nutrition of the population throughout their lifespan

Department Duties


Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Better nutrition is related to improved infant, child and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, lower risk of non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and longevity.

Healthy children learn better. People with adequate nutrition are more productive and can create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of poverty and hunger.

Malnutrition, in every form, presents significant threats to human health. Today the world faces a double burden of malnutrition that includes both undernutrition and overweight, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment is providing scientific advice and decision-making tools that can help citizens take action to address all forms of malnutrition to support health and wellbeing for all, at all ages.

This fact file explores the risks posed by all forms of malnutrition, starting from the earliest stages of development, and the responses that the health system can give directly and through its influence on other sectors, particularly the food system.


Ms. Samantha Moitt

Chief Nutrition Officer

Ms. Samantha Moitt is a registered Dietician who completed her studies in Dallas Texas, at the university of Texas Southwestern Medical Center where she obtained her Bachelors of Science in Clinical Nutrition. She further went for her Master’s in Public health from the University of Massachusetts. Her responsibilities covers the development and dissemination of nutritional education materials, development and monitoring of nutrition related policies, collaborating with community Nursing Services and the Health Information Division in maintaining an effective nutrition surveillance system, in addition to providing nutritional counseling and education to the public in Antigua and Barbuda. She currently chairs the National Breastfeeding Committee and is involved in projects to improve Childs health and Non-Communicable diseases.

Community Nutrition Officers

Southern Area
MS. Charity Dublin

All Saints Area
Ms. Tracey Charles

Northern Area
Mrs. Susan Gardner



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Upper Long and High Streets, St. John’s Antigua

Telephone: 268.462.5522 ext. (220)